Having Difficult Conversations

Strategies for approaching difficult conversations

Overview of last month - process that you need to go through when performance managing staff.

Today we are talk about the how and shape of these conversations. The feelings and emotions. 

  1. Why do you think that so many people find performance management conversations hard?
  2. I have referred numerous times in these sessions to the 4 social styles. What are some of the challenges or mistakes that you would expect to see the different social styles make (ie how does an analytical person handle a performance management session).?
  3. What mental preparation would you recommend before  performance management session?
  4. What are some tips and tricks to control your emotions in a PM session. How does fight or flight come into it?
  5. How is it different doing PM with a person who you have a long term trusting relationship with compared to someone you don't?
  6. What should you do if they bring up something that you are not expecting them to ?
  7. Should you have a support person in the meeting with you as the manager?
  8. How do I rebuild the relationship after a performance management process with a staff member?

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Have questions or need some advice?

Phoebe Kitto


0438 735 926

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1800 877 747