January 20, 2022

Issues & Solutions Surrounding Covid-19 in the Workplace Webinar

Topics covered include Workcover & Covid-19, Working from Home, Pandemic Payments, National Covid-19 Protocols, and more!

We had a great response to our latest webinar on issues and solutions surrounding Covid-19 in the workplace!

Deanne and Corey from HR Dynamics took the lead for this webinar and you can view the webinar recording below:



Issues Covered:

- Workcover and Covid-19
- Working from home
- Mental health with more Covid-19 changes
- Covid-19 and Employment
- Pandemic Payments
- National Covid-19 Protocols
- Single Touch Payroll Phase 2

We also answered those tough questions facing many businesses and organisations today.

Remember, if you need any HR help or advice, please reach out!

HR Dynamics Team

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HR DYnamics

Tailored, transparent, and pragmatic HR solutions