What is an IFA you ask? – an Individual Flexibility Agreement.
But didn’t individual contracts go out with Workchoices?  Well, yes.  Which is why IFA’s make our tummies turn!
Strictly speaking an IFA is a written agreement between the employer and employee document that is used to change the effect of certain clauses in a Modern Award which will be of advantage to the employee.
However …. we see some employers using IFA’s as a way to get around Award clauses that don’t suit their business operations.  I totally understand! In my cafĂ© owning days, the meal breaks were always an issue as they always came across the lunch rush.  I would have loved an IFA that provided more flexibility around the taking of breaks. However the intent of an IFA is to provide flexibility that will be of benefit to the employee. Â
We therefore plead caution on using an IFA.
An IFA can’t be used to reduce or remove an employee’s entitlements.
An employer has to make sure that the employee is better off overall with the IFA than without it compared to their Award at the time the IFA was made.
You can use an IFA to vary clauses about:
Below are some top tips:
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