May 10, 2023

Essential Elements of Safe Workplace: Understanding Work Health and Safety Legislation

Explore essential elements of work health and safety legislation in Australia and WorkCover Queensland, and learn how to comply with safety laws for a safe and healthy workplace.

Workplace safety is paramount to ensuring the well-being of employees and employers. The Safe Work Australia Act 2011 and WorkCover Queensland legislation outline important elements that employers must comply with to ensure the safety and health of their workers. In this blog, we will delve into the essential elements of work health and safety legislation in Australia and WorkCover Queensland, and provide tips on how employers can comply with safety laws to create a safe and healthy work environment.

The Safe Work Australia Act 2011 establishes some key elements to ensure safe working conditions – some of these are:

  1. providing clear safety and health information and advice
  2. creating systems and procedures to reduce and manage workplace risks
  3. setting out minimum workplace safety standards
  4. holding duty-holders accountable for workplace safety
  5. conducting research and monitoring compliance.

All these elements are essential in ensuring a safe and healthy workplace for employees and employers.

WorkCover Queensland's legislation outlines important elements in its efforts to protect employees.

  1. It establishes that all employers must obtain insurance coverage to protect employees against work-related injuries and illness  
  2. Employers are legally required to maintain a safe workplace to prevent accidents and injuries
  3. Employers are obligated to maintain accurate records of incidents, incidents or injuries to enable the assessment of claims.
  4. WorkCover Queensland ensures employees are provided with support and information related to workplace safety, occupational health and work related compensation claims.
  5. It outlines what employees are entitled to when an injury or illness occurs at work, including medical expenses, wage reimbursement, and rehabilitation.

Employers must comply with safety legislation to protect the safety and wellbeing of their employees. To do this, employers should:

  1. Keep up-to-date with the latest changes to safety laws and standards, so they can be implemented in the workplace.
  2. Ensure they have effective health and safety management systems in place, and implement them properly.
  3. Provide proper supervision and instruction to all workers, and make sure their work is regularly reviewed.
  4. Keep a log of all safety incidents, to track risks and learn from any mistakes.
  5. Investigate any safety issues that arise, take corrective action if necessary and ensure the right people are held accountable.

Recognising and Preventing Workplace Hazards

The first step to ensuring a safe workplace is being able to identify potential hazards that can exist. All employees should understand and be familiar with the most common workplace hazards and how to take steps to prevent them. Common workplace hazards include but are not limited to:

  • Slips, trips and falls
  • Manual handling injuries
  • Stress-related injuries
  • Chemicals and hazardous materials
  • Excessive noise and vibration
  • Working with machinery
  • Fire and electrical hazards
  • Heat and cold hazards

What are some specific hazards in your Workplace?

First Aid and Emergency Response

In case of an injury or illness in the workplace, it is important to know the procedures for first aid and emergency response.

  • What are your specific procedures?
  • Do you have wardens? Are they trained?
  • Where are the procedures located?
  • Are staff trained in them?
  • Are they part of your inductions?
  • Are they up to date?
  • Where are your fire extinguishers?
  • Evacuation maps?
  • First Aid kits?

What do you need to do in your workplace?

It is important to recognise, report, and prevent potential injuries and hazards. Are your staff aware of what to do if they have an accident or see a hazard?


Employees: if you need help or advice, you can reach out to Safe Work Australia here


Employers: If you are an employer and need HR advice, please reach out at or you can call HR Dynamics on 1800 877 747

The information available on this website is intended to be a general information resource regarding matters covered and it is not tailored to individual specific circumstances or intended as a substitute for legal advice. Although we make strong efforts to make sure our information is accurate, HR Dynamics cannot guarantee that all the information on this website is always correct, complete, or up-to-date. HR Dynamics recommendations and any information obtained on this website do not constitute legal advice.

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